Category: <span>Astrophotography</span>

Comet 46P/ Wirtanen – “Ghostly Green Comet”

Comet 46P - Wirtanen

Comet 46P/ Wirtanen – “Ghostly Green Comet”

I am sharing my take on the passage of this little comet 49P/Wirtanen, also known as the “Ghostly Green Comet”. On December 16, 2018, Wirtanen passed 11,620,000 km from Earth (it will be the closest to Earth in 70 years).

Also visible in the photo are the Pleiades (the seven sisters), or M45, in the constellation Taurus.

Lunar Eclipse 2018 – Blood Moon

Lunar Eclipse 2018 - Blood Moon

Lunar Eclipse 2018 – Blood Moon

I’m sharing my take of the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century with Mars also at its brightest point in the last 15 years. July 27th 2018

Eclipse Lunar 2018 – Lua Vermelha

Partilho o meu registo do maior eclipse lunar do século XXI com Marte também no seu ponto mais brilhante dos últimos 15 anos. 27 de julho de 2018.

EPOD – June 14 – Sun Pillar Over Lourinhã, Portugal

Sun Pillar - EPOD

EPOD – Sun Pillar Over Lourinhã, Portugal

June 14,2018 – EPOD

Photographer: Paulo P. Pereira
Summary Authors: Paulo P. Pereira; Jim Foster

One afternoon earlier in the spring I noticed this striking Sun pillar on the western horizon. It was visible for more than 30 minutes. After the Sun had set it turned red and pink (lower right photo). If ice crystals are stacked horizontally in cirrus clouds and tipped in the direction of the viewer, then the Sun’s waning light is reflected in the form of a column or spike. Note also the extended sundogs on either side of the pillar, approximately 22 degrees from it and the position of the Sun. Photo taken on April 16, 2018.

I’m very glad this picture was nominated as Earth Science Picture of the Day. A big thank you to USRA and the EPOD team, so as to Dr Jim Foster for the brilliant summary.


See also:

Featured on EarthSky.

Image Post on my website: Sun Pillar



When The Stars Align – Solar Eclipse

When the stars align - Solar Eclipse

When The Stars Align – Solar Eclipse

Capturing a partial solar eclipse in Portugal, in a cloudy day, is a strike of luck. However, I had the feeling that I needed to go somewhere and try photographing it. Most of the times, photography is about subconscious messages and intuition. Thus, I went to Santa Rita Beach and I had the biggest surprise of the year. There it was – the incomplete sun lurking.

My amazement grew more when I realized that even the eclipse was aligned with the walkway. There’s a mathematical coincidence that I could hardly imagine to be possible. It was a true blessing having the opportunity to enjoy that moment and capturing it.


Registar um eclipse parcial do sol em Portugal, num dia nublado, é um golpe de sorte. Contudo, tive o pressentimento que tinha de ir algures e tentar fotografá-lo. Na maioria das vezes fotografar baseia-se em interpretar mensagens do subconsciente e a intuição. Assim, fui à Praia de Santa Rita e tive a maior surpresa do ano. Ali estava ele – o sol incompleto a espreitar.

O meu espanto elevou-se quando me apercebi que o próprio eclipse estava alinhado com o passadiço. Há uma coincidência matemática que dificilmente poderia imaginar ser possível. É uma verdadeira gratidão ter a oportunidade de aproveitar o momento e registá-lo.



Moonset of the Supermoon (2016)

Santa Rita - Moonset

Moonset of the Supermoon

The supermoon sets on the sea behind the rock at Porto Novo beach.
November 14th 2016.

A super lua põe-se no mar atrás do rochedo da Santa, na Praia de Porto Novo.
14 de novembro de 2016.


Santa Rita - Supermoon    Supermoon

Moon and Venus at Porto Novo

Moon and Venus at Porto Novo Beach

Moon and Venus at Porto Novo

At Porto Novo beach, after the sunset there it was the crescent Moon and the bright Venus.

Na Praia de Porto Novo, depois do pôr-do-sol, ali estava a Lua crescente e Vénus brilhante.




Milky Way

Milky Way

Milky Way

Our galaxy Milky Way above with the starry sky contrasting with all the light from the city.

A nossa galáxia Via Láctea envolvida pelo céu estrelado contrasta com as luzes provenientes da cidade.

A Ceiling of Stars

A ceiling of stars

A Ceiling of Stars

Our home is decorated with the most special and magnificent element – Nature. If we are attentive, we will find its glory wherever we look.

A nossa casa é decorada com o elemento mais especial e admirável – a Natureza. Se estivermos atentos, encontraremos a sua glória onde quer que olhemos.