At my village
Maceira’s church on a moonlit night.
Maceira, Torres Vedras, Lisboa, Portugal
Maceira’s church on a moonlit night.
Maceira, Torres Vedras, Lisboa, Portugal
In the dark, there are only shadows and figures. In our lives under regular circumstances we prefer the light. We are pleased, whether it is the brightness of the moon or the intense dawn. Then we are also bearers of our own lights and ideas, illuminating each other.
Lively New Year’s Eve by the sea.
Praia de Porto Novo, Torres Vedras, Portugal
I particularly love the balance between the light of the Moon and the sky that has not completely darkened yet. Here, I captured in the margins of Alcabrichel River the mirroring of the cliff of Maceira on the calm waters with beautiful reflections of moonlight.
Maceira, Torres Vedras, Lisboa, Portugal
I am sharing my take on the passage of this little comet 49P/Wirtanen, also known as the “Ghostly Green Comet”. On December 16, 2018, Wirtanen passed 11,620,000 km from Earth (it will be the closest to Earth in 70 years).
Also visible in the photo are the Pleiades (the seven sisters), or M45, in the constellation Taurus.
I’m sharing my take of the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century with Mars also at its brightest point in the last 15 years. July 27th 2018
Partilho o meu registo do maior eclipse lunar do século XXI com Marte também no seu ponto mais brilhante dos últimos 15 anos. 27 de julho de 2018.
The New Year’s Eve celebrations marked by the typical fireworks at the seaside. This night, at Porto Novo beach, so as in many other beaches of Torres Vedras, thousands of people get together to celebrate the last night of the year and to welcome the new year.
Festejos de final de ano marcados pelo recorrente fogo-de-artifício à beira mar. Nesta noite, na Praia de Porto Novo, tal como em muitas outras praias do concelho de Torres Vedras, milhares de pessoas concentram-se para apreciar e festejar a última noite do ano e a vinda do novo.
A starry moonlight night at Maceira, where we can only listen to the noises of the night birds and the wind gently passing through the trees. Fireflies join you on this quiet stroll.
Uma noite de luar e estrelas na Maceira, onde apenas se ouve as aves noturnas e a suave brisa a passar nas árvores. Os pirilampos juntam-se a nós neste passeio tranquilo.
Nature is powerful and awesome. A thunderstorm by the sea at night is one of the most spectacular moments I ever had photographed. At that time, at Porto Novo Beach, the sea was very calm and it wasn’t raining during the thunderstorm.
A natureza é poderosa e incrível. Uma trovoada no mar durante a noite é um dos momentos mais espetaculares que alguma vez fotografei. Quando tirei esta fotografia, na Praia de Porto Novo, o mar estava muito calmo e não chovia.
A lightning strikes the horizon at night at Porto Novo beach during a stormy winter day.
Um relâmpago atinge o horizonte à noite na Praia de Porto Novo durante um dia de inverno tempestuoso.
At Porto Novo beach, after the sunset there it was the crescent Moon and the bright Venus.
Na Praia de Porto Novo, depois do pôr-do-sol, ali estava a Lua crescente e Vénus brilhante.
The moonlight illuminates the calm sea of Porto Novo beach after dusk.
O luar ilumina o mar calmo da Praia de Porto Novo depois do crepúsculo.
Our galaxy Milky Way above with the starry sky contrasting with all the light from the city.
A nossa galáxia Via Láctea envolvida pelo céu estrelado contrasta com as luzes provenientes da cidade.
Our home is decorated with the most special and magnificent element – Nature. If we are attentive, we will find its glory wherever we look.
A nossa casa é decorada com o elemento mais especial e admirável – a Natureza. Se estivermos atentos, encontraremos a sua glória onde quer que olhemos.
The night in golden reflections Penedo do Guincho Praia de Santa Cruz – Torres Vedras – Portugal
Penedo do Guincho Low Tide Praia de Santa Cruz – Torres Vedras – Portugal